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Green & Good Tiny Terracotta Cube
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Print Color:
- Rectangle
- Circle
- Ellipse
- Triangle
- Line
- Polyline
- Free draw
Shape Color:
002129508 Green & Good Tiny Terracotta Cube
The Green & Good Tiny Terracotta Cube comes with a soil tablet and a seed pack. These mini growing kits are available in eight different varieties: Lucky Clover, Venus Flytrap, Wildflower, Sunflower, Norway Spruce, Hot Chillies, Mixed Herbs or Butterflies & Bees Mix. Alterantive seed options upon request. Personalization using 4-colour digitally printed acetate label on small outer box.
Material: Can Contain a Variety of Seeds.
60mm(w) x 60mm(h) x 60mm(d)
Print type and position
Pad1 Position: 48(w) x 48(h)
All dimensions are in millimetres